
Joe flew, Parallel Title: The Flying Raven; Noah's Ark, Flood, Signed: J. G. Pinz sculp, copperplate engraving, plate LXI (Vol. 1), Füssli, Johann Melchior; Pinz, Johann Georg (sculp.), 1731, Johann Jakob Scheuchzer: Kupfer-Bibel (...). Augspurg und Ulm: gedruckt bey Christian Ulrich Wagner, 1731-1735.

Joe flew, Parallel Title: The Flying Raven; Noah's Ark, Flood, Signed: J. G. Pinz sculp, copperplate engraving, plate LXI (Vol. 1), Füssli, Johann Melchior; Pinz, Johann Georg (sculp.), 1731, Johann Jakob Scheuchzer: Kupfer-Bibel (...). Augspurg und Ulm: gedruckt bey Christian Ulrich Wagner, 1731-1735.

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Joe flew, Parallel Title: The Flying Raven; Noah's Ark, Flood, Signed: J. G. Pinz sculp, copperplate engraving, plate LXI (Vol. 1), Füssli, Johann Melchior; Pinz, Johann Georg (sculp.), 1731, Johann Jakob Scheuchzer: Kupfer-Bibel (...). Augspurg und Ulm: gedruckt bey Christian Ulrich Wagner, 1731-1735
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Image size:
2778 x 4435 px | 35.2 MB
Print size:
23.5 x 37.5 cm | 9.3 x 14.8 in (300 dpi)