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We’ve integrated content from Alamy, the perfect stock photo source for creatives, designers and businesses looking for high-quality photos and illustrations. With a collection of over 300 million images, you’ll find the perfect content for any project, from advertising and design to social media, editorial publications and audiovisual productions.
Images from Greenland
Greenland, the world's largest island, has been inhabited by Inuit peoples for millennia, surviving in an extreme environment. In the 18th century, Denmark reasserted its control over the island, making it a colony and then a self-governing territory in 1979.
Dinosaurs in motion
Discover the fascinating life of the dinosaurs that inhabited the Earth millions of years ago through attractive animations in HD and 4K.
Witches in films
Witches have been a staple of cinema since its beginnings, representing fear, mystery, and magic. From the iconic The Wizard of Oz (1939) with the wicked Witch of the West to the seductive magic of The Witches of Eastwick (1987), and more recently Wicked (2024), their image has constantly evolved.
Carnival in painting
Carnival, with its explosion of colors and revelry, has been a source of inspiration for numerous painters throughout history. From Pieter Bruegel the Elder’s 16th-century scenes, capturing the struggle between order and chaos, to Giovanni Domenico Tiepolo’s enigmatic Venetian masks, the festivity has served both as a celebration and a satire of society.
8 February 2025
100th anniversary of the birth of American actor Jack Lemmon.
11 February 2025
100 years since the birth of Spanish actress Amparo Rivelles.
20 February
100th anniversary of the birth of American director Robert Altman.
21 February 2025
100th anniversary of the birth of American director Sam Peckinpah.
22 February 2025
50th anniversary of the American actress Drew Barrymore.
23 February
50th anniversary of the Spanish actor Alvaro Morte.
24 February
500 years of the Battle of Pavia.