3 April
100 years since the birth of the American actor Marlon Brando.
3 April
100 years since the birth of the American actress Doris Day.
6 April
50 years since the Swedish group ABBA triumphed in Eurovision.
13 April
100 years since the birth of the director Stanley Donen.
16 April
100 years since the birth of American composer Henry Mancini.
17 April
10 years since te death of the Colombian writer Gabriel García Márquez.
19 April
200 years since the death of the romantic poet Lord Byron.
19 April
100 years since the constitution of the Spanish Telephone Company (CTNE).
25 April
150 years since the birth of the Italian engineer Guillermo Marconi.
25 April
150 years since the birth of the Spanish painter Julio Romero de Torres.
28 April
50th anniversary of the Spanish actress Penélope Cruz.